Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Letter C

Stefan called me this evening during the dinner hour to let me know about Ava's latest accomplishment. Tonight, Ava had spaghetti for dinner - something we don't give her often primarily because she's never really cared for it enough to eat a full meal's worth. Well tonight, Stefan gave her a plate of spaghetti, with the noodles cut short so she could eat it easily. According to my husband, Ava picked up a short noodle, and the noodle limped between her two fingers, forming an arch. Ava studied the arched noodle for a second, and then shouted, "C!"

Yes, honey, you're right! That is the letter C. I was so very proud of my little girl, and so very sad that I missed it.

1 comment:

tracy said...

That is a really cute story!

Kids toss out information so randomly. Chad took Zoe to Costco and had to take her - eeewwww - into the men's restroom so she could go potty. During her potty time (after Chad had triple sanitized the toilet) she did a play by play for him of what was occurring beneath her.The entire bathroom was rolling with snickers and giggles from every stall.