Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day Fourteen: Getting a Medical Degree

The past day-and-a-half have been lovely. Contractions have been few and far between. Irritability has been light. Things were mellow for a while. But I know better than to think for a second that things will stay that way. I was quite crampy this afternoon and this evening, with a whole lot of pressure on my cervix, as if the baby was trying to push his way out. But because I'm not really contracting, no one seems to be concerned.

The baby could be laying funny.
Maybe I just need a bowel movement.
Maybe it's another infection.
It could be the nasty Metamucil and Ensure supplements they have me chugging several times daily.

It's anyone's guess, which means I'm left to diagnose myself. Because no one around here seems to think anything's wrong unless contractions are 8 minutes apart, I feel like I'm the one that has to pull the fire alarm. When Ava came, I never had serious contractions. My water broke, and moments later, she was here. I may not be a doctor, but I know that major things can happen without contractions. Medicine is a science. But I am a mother. And I know.

The crampiness and pressure has subsided for now, but I'm still not completely convinced that something didn't happen when I was.

I have been listening to a lot of James Taylor and Enya.

1 comment:

tracy said...

I so remember your exact words to me when your call came that you were in labor with Ava. I was reading your Christmas letter at that moment, reveling in your writing skill. I answered the phone and it was you - the ironic timing!

I said, "I am reading your Christmas letter right now, in fact!" And you said without a hitch, "I am in labor - my water broke and I am being driven to the hospital right now! Will you please call Paul and Jini and everybody to pray for me?!"

I about fell off the futon as the number of weeks you were along was trying to be calculated in my head. I scrambled for numbers in my address folder to begin the calls, talking to God inbetween each one.

You are right where you are supposed to be - at all times. You know your body better than anybody, and your instinct is quite accurate.

I remember you saying that at the Christmas concert the night before you felt sick or weird, so perhaps this pressure is a precursor to welcoming your babe soon, and you are in the right place to do so!

I am so happy you are there, even though I can imagine your boredom and also I know how your mind works, and that must be trying at times. James Taylor and Enya are just right for getting your mind relaxed. Toss in a little Sade and Bruce Hornsby and just breathe.

I am so proud to be your friend.