Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Woman Across the Hall

There is this poor woman delivering across the hall from me right now and she is screaming bloody murder. Even through closed doors and a blaring TV, we can still hear her screams. Why don't they make delivery rooms with sound-proof walls?

It is 9:30 p.m. and I have dilated one more centimeter. Three hours of labor to go one centimeter, from 4 to 5. Boy, talk about two totally different labor stories. I've had one round of antibiotics for the Group B Strep, and my midwife Mia said after about one more hour she will break my water if it hasn't ruptured on its own. They like for the antibiotics to be in my system for 4 hours before delivery, and 11 p.m. will be that mark. Once my water is broken, labor will progress much quicker.

I am tolerating the contractions pretty well right now, but my lower back has been killing me. Thank goodness for husbands who can give amazing back rubs! We are watching Sunday Night Football right now, and we just got done watching A Christmas Story on DVD. I am starving because I haven't eaten anything since 1 p.m.

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