Sunday, December 7, 2008

Home and Happy

34 weeks and 1 day.

I have been home since Friday night and am doing well. My doctor gave me the choice of remaining in the hospital for the duration of my pregnancy, but I was feeling good on Friday and decided to come home. The primary reason for this decision was Ava. Her second birthday this week. Her third Christmas. I would have missed it all if I had stayed. So I came home without regrets and am praying that God gives me a crystal clear sign that it's time to go back to the hospital. Worst-case scenario, I call an ambulance. It's not desirable, but now that we have reached the 34 week mark - the "late-preterm" stage - a lot of the fear has subsided.

A few weeks ago, when I was admitted to the hospital with labor and a dilation, the doctors said they wanted to get me to 34 weeks. Now that I am here (praise God), I want more. I want 36 weeks. But no one knows if we'll make it. Every day is one more day. I am getting very efficient at changing my terbutaline pump syringe, which I do about twice a day. I don't even need the manual anymore. Changing the pump site, however, is a different story. I am not one to get squeamish around needles, but I am so uncomfortable sticking myself with one. It's a very small needle, but it is still a very unnerving experience. I'm getting better at it and only have trouble removing the needle while still leaving the catheter in-tact. Luckily, I only have to do it every 5 days. And if I can stay pregnant, I'll only have to do it two more times before they take me off the meds completely and let me go free!

We gave Ava her birthday present today - an adorable play kitchen. Her official birthday isn't until Tuesday, but with my fragile state, there are no guarantees I'll be here. And it was so important for me to see her little face light up when Stefan brought her downstairs this morning and she saw it for the first time. She loves it and played with it all day. Throughout the day, Ava brought to us imaginary culinary creations and fed us with her toy dishes. Every time we asked her what we were eating, she had the same response: "milk!" I did order a Winnie the Pooh cake from Publix, and we'll have that on Tuesday to celebrate our little girl turning two. I hate that we were unable to throw her a big party this year, but our circumstances just wouldn't allow it. I guess we'll just have to make up for it next year.


Sherry M said...

I am so happy that you got to be home for Ava's birthday. I was a bit concerned when I didn't see an update for several days, I was wondering if Baby Boy Blum had already arrived. I am happy that he has not, and WOW! I am thrilled that the Lord has given you 34 weeks! So keep up the lounging around, it seems to be good for both of you! Love you, Sherry

tracy said...

So happy things are going smoothly! Happy Birthday to sweet Ava as well - I want her to bake me some milk.

Also, I peeked at your sister's blog, and she is naming her son the same name as that of my first boyfriend... Drew Jackson. No "An" at the beginning of his, though.

Chad heartily suggests "Duke" for whomever will take it.
"Duke Blum"...hmmmm...
Oh, Jackie! That would rule!

Lisa Sanders said...

I agree that we are going to need daily updates! Bonnie is about at the point where she answers the phone, "No Lisa, Jackie did not have the baby yet." I am so glad you are at 34.5 weeks! I wanted to let you know that Ava was precious at the Christmas Party on Saturday. She has really started to come out of her shell around everyone. Pretty soon she will be running wild and not following directions just like all of the other kids! Hope you are doing well!