Thursday, January 29, 2009

How Old Would You Be?

The other day - Monday, actually - I was at my sister's house and reading an article in one of her magazines. The article wasn't very good, but the shrink in the piece posed a very interesting question that has had me thinking ever since I read it:

If you didn't know your age, how old would you say you were?

Very intriguing. I'm not sure, exactly. So I immediately began rationalizing.

I have a closet full of stilettos, Boden clothing and Kate Spade handbags. Young.

I also haven't been to a mall in months and get excited about going to Target. Definitely old.

I am energetic and can keep up with my toddler and 5-week-old. Young.

I watch The Golden Girls on a regular basis. Old.

My iPod is loaded with songs played at the hottest clubs. Young.

I would rather stay home and watch Sex and the City for the millionth time and eat my weight in popcorn than go to those clubs and listen to said music. Old.

My babysitter has no clue who Fleetwood Mac is and believes with all her heart that the Dixie Chicks are the original group to perform "Landslide." Dammit! Old.

I can't remember the last time I was carded. Old.

I laugh a lot, work hard and play harder. My heart is youthful and I eat healthfully, for the most part. Young.

So basically, what I have here is my true age of 31. Maybe slightly older for the whole Fleetwood Mac incident. But I'm feeling pretty good right now and know that age is just a number. I know 80-year-olds who could run circles around me. I also know 20-somethings who act like they're 60. You're only as old as you think you are, so how old would you be?

1 comment:

tracy said...

Oh, I am so laughing at the Fleetwood Mac comment! And don't even get me started on your addiction to the Golden Girls...

You are perfect and sweet, no matter what any age!