I'm not quite sure how this happened, but Ian has gotten into the habit of being awake and alert for much of the night. It's happened the past two nights, and I'm hoping to reverse the trend tonight. He hasn't been fussy or colicky in the least, but after his middle-of-the-night feedings, he just lays against my chest (or in my arms) wide awake. Last night, he woke up at 1:45 and, with the exception of one half-hour stretch, didn't go back to bed until 6:25. Stefan relieved me of my duties from 4:30 to 6, but otherwise, it was just me, my boy and the rocking chair. He's either gotten his days and nights mixed up or he's not digging the new bottles.
I tried to keep him awake a little more today, but that wasn't easy considering both of us were running on two hours of sleep. And tonight, I gave him a warm bath - his first in a tub - and a nice nightcap. We played some lullabies during his bath and snuggled him all nice and warm. I am getting sleepier just thinking about it. Must. Go. To. Bed.
Stefan returns to work tomorrow (gulp!), and I am a little anxious about managing both kids on my own. Ava has been doing so awesome with the baby, and I don't want that to stop. But I suppose someone has to get back to work in order to pay for all these diapers Ian is plowing through. I am off to try and get some sleep. It may be another long night, and my baby girl won't understand if mommy face plants in the oatmeal tomorrow morning.
I was so thinking you would have the Commodores playing in conjunction with the title of this post. That's okay, I can hear it im my head. Go Lionel.
I remember watching the sun come up with Zoe and thinking,
"Omigosh, when will this get better?"
The hours seem to drag, but they really are flying by, so try to hold onto them as long as you can!
Welcome...you have arrived. No sleep and 2 kids to care for. The days of worrying about yourself have officially ended. And so has getting dressed and putting on mae-up just to change diapers and clean house!! Call me if you need help...
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