Thursday, January 1, 2009

Piggy Raid and a Lost Cord

This afternoon Stefan and I emptied Ava's piggy bank to count its contents. It's something we have planned to do since she was born: take her 2-year savings and start her college fund. So for two years now, we have taken every cent she has received and put it into her piggy bank. This includes gifts for birthdays and Christmases, spare change from mom and dad, and all change Stefan and I received from breaking dollars in the hospital cafeteria while she was in the NICU. During her first two years, Ava managed to collect quite a windfall, and now we'll take this money and invest it for her future education. Stefan has been chomping at the bit to do this for days now, and he finally got his chance. Before he started counting the money, we both wrote down our guess for the total amount, and I am proud to say my (very lucky) guess came within $2.49 of the actual. Needless to say, our little girl has quite the savings built up already.

Ian lost his umbilical cord stump this afternoon, 10 days after birth. I felt the same way I did when I saw Ava's come off: bittersweet. It's the very last part of me that he had with him. I know it's cooky to think of it that way, but it's just me on postpartum hormones. He's all on his own now, growing so fast and creating his niche in our family.


tracy said...

WOW! You are right that Ava's fund is off to a good start! I haven't dumped out Zoe's teddy bear bank and elephant banks yet, but they are not nearly at that level, I am sure. G & G Feist set up college funds for each grandchild last year, which will be helpful, as what we had a couple of years ago toward one for Zoe was put straight to her surgical costs, leaving us to start all over again.

As far as the stump goes - sigh - I remember that feeling as well.
Hey, shelac it and wear it as a necklace - it will make an interesting conversation piece!

Hope things are going well in your "bluming" corner of the world!

Bonnie Jackson said...

Nice New Picture!!! So glad you found a use for it. Maybe Ava would like to contribute to her cousins' piggy banks this year???? Bo and I do the same thing every January, but we haven't done that yet this year. We'll get there!!