Friday, January 23, 2009

"Sennay," And Other Ava Pronunciations

Ava has developed quite the vocabulary and is talking a mile a minute these days. Unfortunately, Stefan and I are not very fluent in Toddler Speak, so more often than not we're left scratching our heads and asking each other, "Did you get that?" But when we can understand her, we giggle at her versions of words and phrases. Below are a few of her favorites, and their pronunciations. I'll try to post more of them as I think of them or as she says them.

Sennay = seven
Ava walks around the house counting everything in tens. I think she gets that from me because I also have an annoying counting habit. I count everything from steps to stairs to stirs with a spoon. Every time I walk up and down the stairs, I count to 16. I hate it, but it's natural for me to do it. And now I see Ava doing it too. Maybe she is my child, after all. She pronounces each number perfectly, with the exception of seven. But her version is so adorable I can't bring myself to correct her.

Eye-gyoo = igloo
We have an alphabet magnet puzzle book my mom got for her for Christmas. Each letter is followed by an object, as in "A is for Apple." The object for the letter I is igloo. Right now, it's Ava's favorite word. And mine.

Suh-wide = slide
She says this two-syllable word with such enthusiasm. One day while playing with Ava's large blocks, we built a slide for her Little People Farm Animals to go down. Ever since, Ava has been addicted to building slides or finding slides throughout the house for her animals to go down. For example, Ava's crib has side rails that curve down toward the front. Well, now that is a slide for her stuffed bunny. She just loves slides. Loves them! Every time we get her blocks, the first thing she does is build a slide. And she can't even so much as touch a block without first retrieving her animals to have at the ready!

Dinnee = dinner

Wunsh = lunch

Pihwer = pillow

Mee-now = meow

Muck = milk

Tay Tow = thank you

Pootie = purple

Jamoose = jammies (pajamas)

Wosheen = lotion

Turlull = turtle

Hup = help or hop; it's impossible to distinguish between the two.

Buhwett = barrette

Bwush = brush
This is an improvement from "beesh," which was her pronunciation just a few months ago.

Ann-nay = Annie

Ann = Ian

Dah-yee = daddy

Dapper = diaper

Hum = home

Fadder = father
Said as she listens to Stefan and I pray.


sarah b. said...

How precious!

Liz said...

Thanks for your comment! Out of all the people, you know exactly how I am feeling. The medicine seems to be working...I'm crossing my fingers it will continue to do its magic. I will check out that website, it will give me something to do other than watching kid shows all day :)

Your post is so cute! Cameron is doing the same thing. We are learning his language one word at a time. Today he called a grape, popcorn???. Yesterday he wanted pudding but it was really yogurt. Trying to figure out what they are saying or what they mean can be a HUGE challenge but keeping a sense a humor is a must!

aubsphamdo said...

Collin's word for milk is muck too! So cute!