Monday, January 19, 2009

He Hears Ya!

Ian went to see the ear nose and throat specialist last Friday, and I am thrilled to report he passed the tests in both ears with flying colors. The left ear was the only questionable ear, but she tested the right ear too, just to be sure. She first tested the left ear by inserting a probe into the ear canal and sending signals into the ear. She waited for the ear drum to send a signal back and that's all there was to it. She tested the left ear three times, just to be sure everything was OK, and then she tested the right ear. The doctor said the reason he didn't pass the first time is probably due to amniotic fluid and/or vernix that was in his ear after birth. Or, it could have been a faulty probe. Either way, I'm just glad he passed and all of that is behind us. A complete bill of health for our little man, thank God. Another answered prayer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So much for a built in excuse for "I didn't hear you Mom or Dad." I'll work with him to come up with other ways to bother his parents. That is what grandparents are supposed to do, right? Gramps Blum