Sunday, February 22, 2009

Two Months and on a Schedule

Incase anyone's been wondering why it's been a week since my last post, it's because we are working on getting Ian on a schedule. It's been tough, primarily because we also have a 2-year-old who has her own schedule. It's just not possible to keep the house peaceful and silent during the day so I can rock Ian to sleep for his three daily naps. And it's even tougher to keep the little man awake when he's so accustomed to sleeping whenever he pleases. Bath times and bedtimes are a challenge for now, as Ava is used to long cuddles and four+ stories, but Ian is exhausted and waiting for his turn in the tub. So we've been experimenting with different times and schedules, and I think we've finally got our groove. Ian is doing pretty well with adjusting. At first, he wasn't sleeping well at all during the day, and this made for an exhausted and stressed mommy who wasn't very nice to be around. But one afternoon, against my comfort level, I put Ian on his tummy for his afternoon nap and relished in 3 hours of peace and quiet. I know every pediatrician in the world would have a fit if they new this, but babies really do sleep better on their tummies. And the best part is that Ian is good about getting himself to sleep on his tummy. So I can put him in his crib awake if I need to, and he'll drift off to dreamland all by himself. He's still on his back at night, but I'm not sure how much longer that will last because I am getting exhausted with these two-a-night feedings. Some nights, he gets up only once, but this is not habitual yet. Most doctors would say twice a night at 2 months is fine and expected. But here in the Blum house, the quicker you're sleeping through the night, the happier mommy is. I am just one of those people who needs a lot of sleep to function properly.

So we're getting the hang of things, but we forgot how difficult of a time this is. Getting a baby on a schedule is a tough job, but it pays amazing dividends once he gets the hang of it.

1 comment:

sarah b. said...

Oh how wonderful....Schedules are what make the world go around, especially for busy Moms! Love and miss you- xoxo