Thursday, February 12, 2009

More Ava Pronunciations

This post is a continuation of one I published a couple of weeks ago. As Ava's vocabulary expands, I try to write down her new words, as well as how she pronounces them. Although her vernacular far exceeds what I capture on paper, I can't help but post the best of the bunch.

Ellie-fanny = elephant

Jurass = giraffe

Abbledee = W

Ahmeer = oatmeal

Seerwer = cereal

Wogurt = yogurt

Ahnmoose = animals

Pennay = pudding

Dorsey = story

Care-fer = careful (said after she trips or takes a tumble)

Bass = bath


tracy said...

For Zoe's 4th birthday, she has requested a "jungle party". So, we will be having the jungle safari themed party complete with an ellie-fanny cake and plenty of ahnmoose there!

Love it, love it, love it! So wish I could hear her say them in person.

Bonnie Jackson said...'re missing one. I think Octopus is by far her best word. Need to add that too the list!!! :)