Sunday, March 22, 2009

Three Months Old and All Smiles

We were all fast asleep at 2:12 this morning, when Ian officially turned three months old. But all day today, I kept thinking about that moment when he was born, and how it seems like it was just yesterday. I know it's so cliche to always mention how time goes by so fast, but when I consider that Ian is already three months old I am blown away. I just can't believe it. And we're enjoying him so immensely that I wish time could just stand still for a little while, so that I can memorize his face, his coos and gurgles, and his smile. Oh, his smile... It's the reason I get up each morning. It melts my heart. I am just so in love.

Ian is doing super. He loves to sit up and play more so than laying down. If I lay him on his back to play, he cries until I pull him into a sitting position, and then he smiles to let me know that's exactly what he wanted. This makes entertaining him difficult, as both of my hands are occupied steadying him, but he doesn't mind. My knuckles are tasty entertainment, and much of the time he just watches big sister Ava as she colors or runs around with her toys. He is just amazed by Ava. It's almost as if he is studying her and trying to figure out how she does all she does. I can just hear what's going on in his head: "Wow! She can walk and talk and color and hold her toys and wrestle with daddy. I can't wait until I can do all those things!"

Ian is cooing and gurgling nonstop, which is just adorable. He loves to just watch me make faces at him - his favorite being the ever-popular fishy face - and when I coo and gurgle back at him, he smiles so big I just laugh. It's just a treat. Really.

Our favorite time of day - both his and mine - is evening bath time. After we put Ava to bed for the night, I set up his bath on the kitchen island (my back won't be able to withstand nightly baths in the big tub until he is sitting unsupported). We dim the lights and play some soft music (Nicolette Larson's Sleep Baby Sleep album - THANK YOU TRACY!!). As soon as we lay him down to undress him, he starts to smile and coo. He could be screaming bloody murder, but the moment we turn on the music, dim the lights and start running the bath water, all is right with the world. Something happens and he just gets in the BEST mood. During his bath, he just lays there with this look of sheer contentment on his face, as if he's waited all day for his bath. I sing to him and he looks up at me as if I am the next American idol (um, I'm not, by the way). It is seriously my favorite time of day. I just don't want it to end.


Jackie Blum said...

Really, how many times can I use the word "just" in one post? Good grief.

sarah b. said...

He's so adorable, I just wanna kiss his little cheeks and squeeze him!

tracy said...

The maximun allowed useage for "just" per post is twelve, so you are still safe. If it goes beyond that, your computer freezes up and begins to shake.

I personally can hear every word and every "just" as you typed it as though we were talking, and I would bubble over in emotion and joy as well with an adorable bundle of joy like Ian to talk about - he is simply sweet and precious!

Liz said...

and I thought my boys were handsome...Ian is sooooo very cute. Seeing your pictures and hearing about what he is doing makes me more excited for my little one to come. Can you believe he/she hasn't????All the contractions and dilation before it was "time" and now just contractions. I hoping my dr takes pitty on me tomorrow and will break my water!