It's been an eventful 24 hours in the Blum home. Stefan and I saw my pregnancy specialist today to further investigate the positive FFn test from yesterday, as well as look at our options for the remainder of the pregnancy. After another ultrasound, some additional complications were detected today that were not present a mere seven days ago. In light of this new information in addition to the positive FFn test, my specialist and regular OB met today and decided that prescribing strict bed rest is in our best interest for both my health and for the health of the baby. I am to remain in bed (or on the sofa) 24 hours a day, with the exception of showering, going to the bathroom and getting a bite to eat/drink. This is a slight downgrade from yesterday, but my doctors are confident that the progesterone is still working in my favor and that I can still hope for a closer-to-full-term pregnancy. Not all hope is lost, which is exactly why we are taking all the necessary precautions, and we are very grateful so much is being done now, as opposed to when it's too late.
In addition to the bed rest, I am also undergoing a two-day steroid therapy to, in my specialist's words, "stack the deck in the baby's favor." The steroids will develop the baby's lungs more quickly because they are the last major organs to develop. If Baby Boy does decide to make an early entrance, these steroids will ensure as much as possible has been done to give him the best start. Again, so very grateful for that!
Unfortunately, my original hope of keeping Ava home with me while I am on bed rest is no longer possible. I am so grateful to have my sister and her family a mere two miles away right now. Although she, too, is expecting a baby (a boy as well in March, for those who don't know), she has offered to watch Ava during the day to allow me to comply 100 percent with the doctor's orders. Bon, I don't know how I will ever repay you! Stefan has gotten quite proficient at Ava's dinner and bedtime routines, so I know she is in the best hands. I just have to remember that millions and millions of mommies take their babies to daycare everyday. We do what we need to do (thanks for this advice, Lisa), so I will just suck it up and remember that this is not permanent.
So while the reality of this seems slightly scary right now, there is also some good news that came out of today's appointment: I am not experiencing any significant contractions, so that shows labor is not impending and we can do everything we can to keep it at bay. Hooray! Also, the baby has been very active, which means he is doing well in my belly - we just have to get him to stay there! From this point, I will be seeing both doctors every week, and with hope, my condition may improve enough to allow me to get up and around every once in a while. Stefan and I are both keeping our spirits up because we know that a healthy baby is all that matters and this is temporary. We'll get through it, and hope to be stronger on the other side. But as always, prayers are appreciated!
P.S. Tracy, as much as I would LOVE to give our dog Annie "Rasta" hair as a bed rest boredom buster, I'm afraid we recently had to cut her hair very short to deal with the heat. But if this whole bed rest thing keeps up, I may have Rasta hair myself! :o)