Friday, May 22, 2009

Five Months Old and a Bundle of Love

Ian is five whole months old today!  Sigh... where does the time go?

He is an absolute joy and (mostly) all smiles.  We are on a very solid routine these days of three naps and six meals.  He eats his cereal twice a day, although sweet potatoes will be introduced this week.  He's rolling over all the time and can sit unsupported for a few brief seconds.  His favorite toys are his play gym, his crab rattle, and a caterpillar toy that plays music and sings about numbers and colors.  He loves to watch "big-kid toys" in action, such as Ava's ball popper and Little People Carnival.  But most of all, Ian just loves interaction with us.  He loves the faces we make at him and the noises we say.  I've even started doing this thing called "Mommy Beat Box," where I make drum and cymbal noises while moving his arms and legs.  It's quite a riot and both of my kids love it (Ava even requests it on a daily basis!).  If that doesn't get Ian laughing, nothing will.

Bathtime is still a hit, but my new favorite time with him is right after his morning and post-nap bottles.  For both, Ava is still sleeping/napping, so it's just me and Ian.  Now that I no longer have the middle-of-the-night feeding and cuddle sessions, I really cherish this quiet time with my baby. I sit him up or lay him across my lap, and we coo and giggle together.  I talk to him and tell him about all of the things I'll teach him, and he responds with gurgles and squeals.  We'll play pat-a-cake, this little piggy or itsy bitsy spider, and those usually elicit some giggles. I love this time!  But don't get me wrong, bathtime is still a very close second.  Ian's reflux is still an issue, but the good news is that he's not in a lot of pain with it.  It's more of a spit-up issue than a pain/colic issue, which I feel is the lesser of two evils.

Overall, I am really enjoying this time with him.  He's such a wonderful little guy and I smile every time I think of him.  I was telling Bonnie a couple of weeks ago that I can't kiss his little feet anymore (my favorite baby part!) because I get a little carried away.  He's just that cute and cuddly.  I'm more in love with him everyday.  Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Liz said...

HOW CUTE! Solids already! Where does the time go (I just wrote the same thing.) It seems that time slows while pregnant but speeds up when the baby is born. I wish they wouldn't grow sooooo fast. Each moment is special if the hard ones :) Glad things are going well for you.