Thursday, March 5, 2009


The other night, Ava managed to get my handbag out of its usual spot (which isn't easily reached, I might add). She put her arm through the handles and bolted for the door leading to the garage. As she ran, she exclaimed, "Shoppin'! Shoppin'!" Stefan was quick to grab the camera, although the excitement didn't last long. As soon as she discovered we weren't going to go shopping, she broke down into tears. I felt so bad, I almost put on my shoes to take her, even if it was just down the street to Publix. But we didn't go, and she was very upset. The entire ordeal was quite hilarious, and I couldn't help but get excited over the fact that in just a few short years, I will have my very own shopping buddy. Atta girl, Ava.

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